It has been almost three years since the announcement of Death Stranding, and Hideo Kojima’s forthcoming title still remains shrouded in a great deal of mystery. Indeed, interested fans have been treated to a number of Death Stranding trailers, but very little about what the game actually is can be gleaned from this promotional material. This trend of cryptic marketing continues today, as the legendary Metal Gear Solid creator has just shared a new Death Stranding teaser through his Twitter account.

Those that watch this 30-second Death Stranding teaser trailer will encounter a dark image of what appears to be rippling water. In the center of this image, a hand print has been cutout, providing a view of a secondary image. Specifically, viewers will get a glimpse of Norman Reedus, the actor behind the Death Stranding protagonist, and they will also see pieces of materials and equipment that will be familiar to those that have been following the Death Stranding development.

Atop this obscured imagery is yet another enigmatic offering, this one coming in text form. “Create the rope,” it reads simply, but the meaning of this is statement is definitely not simple. Certainly, ropes are formed from strands, and this may be a sort of roundabout reference to the “Stranding” of the game’s title. Additionally, Kojima has perviously indicated that “connecting” is part of Death Stranding, with players being “connected together,” and perhaps rope will be the tool for this connection.



Whatever the case may be, the new Death Stranding teaser is very likely to succeed in continuing the confusion around the title, as it does not illuminate any new information about the specifics of the game. While some fans may be enjoying this puzzling build to the Death Stranding release date, which is still unknown, others may wish to start seeing some extensive Death Stranding gameplay footage at this point.

Fortunately, there is indication that a new Death Stranding trailer is forthcoming, and this may finally be a chance for fans to get a serious look at Death Stranding gameplay. However, when exactly that Death Stranding trailer will arrive, and what its contents will be, is currently unknown.

Death Stranding is in development for PS4.

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